The Heart and Soul Behind StorySpark Collective

The Heart and Soul Behind StorySpark Collective

Hello, dear friends and fellow storytellers!

As I write this, I’m filled with excitement and a deep sense of purpose. StorySpark Collective isn’t just an organization; it’s the realization of a dream that has been shaped by a lifetime of experiences and a passion for the power of storytelling.

Growing up, I often found that the voices of people like me—a non-white, queer, assigned female at birth individual—were silenced or overlooked. But I also discovered the incredible strength that comes from sharing our stories. Stories are more than just entertainment; they are the threads that weave us together, building bridges across differences and fostering understanding and empathy. They are the lifeblood of our communities, and they hold the power to create change.

This belief lies at the core of StorySpark Collective’s mission: to amplify systemically non-dominant voices, foster community connections, and promote social change through storytelling. We’ve developed three core program tracks—SPARK Thought, SPARK Connections, and SPARK Change—that reflect our commitment to this mission.

The Power of Storytelling in Community Building

Our SPARK Thought offer a safe space for participants to craft and share their narratives. These workshops and presentations are not just about telling stories; they’re about empowering individuals to take ownership of their experiences and use their voices to make a difference. When stories are shared in our SPARK Community events, they create connections, foster empathy, and strengthen the social fabric of our communities. As Robert Putnam’s work on social capital and Eric Klinenberg’s research on social infrastructure show, storytelling is a critical tool for building resilient, vibrant communities.

In our SPARK Change initiatives, we partner with local businesses and organizations to help them create more inclusive spaces. By sharing insights and stories from our workshops, we inspire these organizations to adopt practices that reflect the diversity and richness of our community.

Storytelling as Disruptive Play

Storytelling also holds the power to disrupt the status quo. Shepherd Speigel’s concept of disruptive play resonates deeply with our work. Through storytelling, we challenge societal norms, create new possibilities, and give voice to those who have been silenced. Just as Dungeons & Dragons has provided a safe space for creative expression and identity exploration, our storytelling initiatives offer a platform for individuals to explore and share their identities in a supportive environment.

A Dream of a More Inclusive World

StorySpark Collective is more than just a nonprofit; it’s a movement to create a world where every voice is heard and valued. It’s about using the power of stories to build a more inclusive and just society. I am incredibly grateful for the support and participation of everyone who has joined us on this journey. Together, we can ignite the sparks that will light the way to a brighter future.

Thank you for being a part of this collective. Your voice, your story, and your support are what make StorySpark Collective possible.

With gratitude and hope,

April Pereira

Founder and Director, StorySpark Collective

Suggested Readings

Better Together: Restoring the American Community by Robert Putnam

Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg

Tricking Power in Performing Acts of Love by Shepherd Seigel, PhD

Disruptive Play: The Trickster in Politics and Culture by Shepherd Seigel, PhD

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